Saturday, September 27, 2014

Thing 4: Image Sharing

Discovery Exercise

What Flicker offers?

Flicker is the cheapest and largest option for storing digital photos, and arguably the most photo- centric.

How tags and groups work? 

Flicker doesn't make its own phone, laptop, tablet, or other device, so the owner or the user must to get everything up there, but once the photos are in, Flickr's photo organizer help to manage them through the use of tags.  The user can classify the photos in events or albums for further searching or sorting. The term "geotagging" is associated with a geographic photo location and it is often done automatically by phone cameras or other devices. Photo sharing groups is another characteristic that Flickr offers. Groups of people are invited to discuss a photo topic publicly or privately. 

Who is using Flickr and why? 

A lot of serious photographers use Flickr, due to they can store lots of large images. Its unlimited plan could be a better deal. Comparing with Picasa, displaying photos online, the photographers can find that Google offers better bargain.

Comparing prices Picasa and Flickr?  

Picasa and Flickr have two different pricing schemes. Flickr limits free accounts to certain uploads per month. Picasa operates mainly on a storage free and small pictures does not count towards the quota. 

Example of "My Summer Flicker photos" 

Our trip in Corpus Christi


How to use flickr tutorial

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